Prices for our Fall Classes
Columbus, Ms
Twinkle Dance- ages 3-5
30 Minute Classes- $50 per Month
Twinkle Tumbling- Ages 3-5 $50 per month
Multi-Class Discount:
Both Twinkle Dance and tumbling ages 3-5 $80 per month- 1 hour class per week
Dance Mania- ages 6-12
1 Hour Classes- $60 per Month
Tumble and Tricks- ages 6-12
1 Hour Classes- $60 per Month
Multi-Class Discount:
Both Dance and Tumble ages 6-12 $100 per month- 2 hours a week
Boys Ninja Tumbling- $60 per month-45 minute class
Homeschool Arts- $90 per month for a 2 hour class per week
-$60 per month for Students enrolled in Dance Class
Move with me- Parent and toddler class- $50 per month- 30 minute class
Tumble with tots- boys and girls tumbling class- ages 3-5 $50 per month
Sibling Discount- $5 discount from each class